Takamasa Yamaguchi

Takamasa Yamaguchi

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Takamasa Yamaguchi’s primary interests lie in Health Economics and the Economics of Aging. Specifically, he is interested in the efficient and equitable design of healthcare and long-term care insurance systems in aging societies, such as Japan and the United States. In his master’s program, he investigated the effect of health checkups on health outcomes and behaviors in Japan. For his master’s thesis, he examined the impact of changes in healthcare coinsurance rates on the utilization of long-term care services in Japan. Previously, at the University of Tokyo, he was a project manager in the local government data development program, the first project that gained access to administrative tax data for research in Japan. He also worked as an intern at the Inter-American Development Bank, utilizing his proficiency in Spanish. He earned his BA and MA in economics from Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. He participated in an exchange program at George Washington University during his undergraduate program.

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