The major requires five credit units. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis cannot be counted toward the Health Care Management Major.
a) Two required courses (2 cu):
- HCMG 8410 Introduction to Health Management
- HCMG 6530 Health Care Field Application Project
b) Three full credit units selected from the following:
- HCMG 8450 US Payer and Provider Strategy
- HCMG 8500 Health Care Reform and the Future of the American Health System
- HCMG 8520 Health Care Services Delivery: A Managerial Economic Approach
- HCMG 8530 Management and Strategy in Medical Devices and Technology
- HCMG 8550 Management of Health Care for the Elderly (.5 cu)
- HCMG 8570 Healthcare Data and Analytics (.5 cu)
- HCMG 8590 Comparative Health Care Systems
- HCMG 8600 Leading Health Care Organizations
- HCMG 8630 Management & Economics of Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries
- HCMG 8660 The Digital Transformation of Health Care (.5 cu)
- HCMG 8670 Health Care Entrepreneurship (.5 cu)
- HCMG 8680 Private Sector Development in Global Health Development (.5 cu)
- HCMG 8700 Business of Behavioral Health (.5 cu)
- HCMG 8900-001 Advanced Study Project Seminar: Management of Health Service Businesses
- HCMG 8980 Global Modular Courses (.5 cu)
- HCMG 899 Independent Study
MBA Advisor: June Kinney (telephone: 215.898.6861 email: