Jon M. Huntsman Hall
3730 Walnut Street, Suite 500
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Research Interests: health care operations, service operations, empirical operations management, data analytics
Links: CV, Google Scholar
Hummy Song is an Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. She also holds an appointment as Associate Professor of Health Care Management. She conducted her undergraduate, master’s, and PhD studies at Harvard University.
Professor Song’s research focuses on identifying ways to improve the performance of service systems, with a particular emphasis on the health care sector. Her work has examined several factors related to patient flow and capacity management in health care delivery settings, including queue configurations, off-service placement, performance feedback, provider turnover, and team staffing. Her research utilizes large datasets derived from electronic health record systems, administrative databases, and surveys of the health care workforce. For her research, Professor Song has worked with hospitals and health care delivery organizations in the U.S. and in developing countries.
Professor Song’s work has been published in leading academic journals including Management Science, Operations Research, and Health Services Research. Her work has also appeared in Harvard Business Review and has received media coverage in various outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, and CBS News. She was named by Poets & Quants as one of the Top 50 Undergraduate Business Professors and is the winner of the 2022 POMS Early Career Research Accomplishments Award. She has received several recognitions for her research, including the M&SOM Service Management SIG Best Paper Award, INFORMS Health Applications Society Best Student Paper Award, and the Best OM Paper in Management Science Award (finalist). She currently serves as an Associate Editor of Management Science, Operations Research, and Service Science.
Hummy Song, Mor Armony, Guillaume Roels (2024), Queue Configurations and Operational Performance: An Interplay Between Customer Ownership and Queue Length Awareness, Manufacturing Services & Operations Management.
Molly Candon, Alon Bergman, Amber Rose, Hummy Song, Guy David, Joanne Spetz (2023), The Relationship Between Scope of Practice Laws for Task Delegation and Nurse Turnover in Home Health, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 24 (11), pp. 1773-1778. 10.1016/j.jamda.2023.07.023
Alon Bergman, Guy David, Hummy Song (2023), “I Quit”: Schedule Volatility as a Driver of Voluntary Employee Turnover, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25 (4), pp. 1416-1435. 10.1287/msom.2023.1205
Jong Myeong Lim, Hummy Song, Julius J. Yang (2023), The Spillover Effects of Capacity Pooling in Hospitals, Management Science.
Description: 2nd Place, 2022 POMS College of Healthcare Operations Management Best Paper Competition.
Eric Bressman, Rachel Kohn, Hummy Song, S Ryan Greysen (2023), Geographic Cohorting by Clinical Care Team: A Narrative Review, Annals of Palliative Medicine, 12 (4), pp. 855-862. 10.21037/apm-22-1400
Song-Hee Kim, Hummy Song, Melissa Valentine (2023), Learning in Temporary Teams: The Varying Effects of Partner Exposure by Team Member Role, Organization Science, 34 (1), pp. 433-455. 10.1287/orsc.2022.1585
H. Harriet Jeon, Claudio Lucarelli, Jean Baptiste Mazarati, Donatien Ngabo, Hummy Song (Working), Leapfrogging for Last-mile Delivery in Health Care.
Alon Bergman, Hummy Song, Guy David, Joanne Spetz, Molly Candon (2022), The Role of Schedule Volatility in Home Health Nursing Turnover, Medical Care Research and Review, 79 (3), pp. 382-393. 10.1177/10775587211034310
Hummy Song, Elena Andreyeva, Guy David (2022), Time is the Wisest Counselor of All: The Value of Provider-Patient Engagement Length in Home Health Care, Management Science, 68 (1), pp. 420-441. 10.1287/mnsc.2020.3921
Song-Hee Kim and Hummy Song, How Digital Transformation Can Improve Hospitals’ Operational Decisions in Harvard Business Review, January 18, 2022.
OIDD 101 explores a variety of common quantitative modeling problems that arise frequently in business settings, and discusses how they can be formally modeled and solved with a combination of business insight and computer-based tools. The key topics covered include capacity management, service operations, inventory control, structured decision making, constrained optimization and simulation. This course teaches how to model complex business situations and how to master tools to improve business performance. The goal is to provide a set of foundational skills useful for future coursework atWharton as well as providing an overview of problems and techniques that characterize disciplines that comprise Operations and Information Management.
OIDD1010001 ( Syllabus )
OIDD1010002 ( Syllabus )
OIDD1010003 ( Syllabus )
OIDD1010004 ( Syllabus )
Seminar on distribution systems models and theory. Reviews current research in the development and solution of models of distribution systems. Emphasizes multi-echelon inventory control, logistics management, network design, and competitive models.
OIDD9410001 ( Syllabus )
Independent Study
OIDD9999008 ( Syllabus )
OIDD9999010 ( Syllabus )
OIDD9999011 ( Syllabus )
OIDD9999012 ( Syllabus )
HCMG 8900-001: This course examines issues related to the Services Sector of the health care industry. For those interested in management, investing, or banking in the health care industry, the services sector will likely be the largest and most dynamic sector within all of health care. We will study key management issues related to a number of different health care services businesses with a focus on common challenges related to reimbursement, regulatory, margin, growth, and competitive issues. We will look at a number of different businesses and subsectors that may have been unfamiliar to students prior to taking the course. We will make extensive use of outside speakers, many of whom are true industry leaders within different sectors of the health care services industry. Speakers will address the current management issues they face in running their businesses as well as discuss the career decisions and leadership styles that enables them to reach the top of their profession. Students will be asked to develop a plan to both buy out and manage a specific health care services business of their choosing and will present their final plans to a panel of leading Health Care Private Equity investors who will evaluate their analysis. Prerequisites: HCMG 8410. Health Care Management MBA majors only
Global Modular Course (GMC) - see description in section details
Arranged with members of the Faculty of the Health Care Systems Department. For further information contact the Department office, Room 204, Colonial Penn Center, 3641 Locust Walk, 898-6861.
The Global Immersion Program is a pass/fail, 0.5 credit course that is designed to provide students with an in-depth exposure to international business practices and first-hand insights into a foreign culture. In past years, programs were offered in India, the Middle East, China, South America, Southeast, Asia, and Africa. The program offers students the opportunity to learn about a foreign business environment by way of academic lectures and a multi-week study tour, allowing students to visit with corporate and government officials, network with alumni, and take cultural excursions.
OIDD 101 explores a variety of common quantitative modeling problems that arise frequently in business settings, and discusses how they can be formally modeled and solved with a combination of business insight and computer-based tools. The key topics covered include capacity management, service operations, inventory control, structured decision making, constrained optimization and simulation. This course teaches how to model complex business situations and how to master tools to improve business performance. The goal is to provide a set of foundational skills useful for future coursework atWharton as well as providing an overview of problems and techniques that characterize disciplines that comprise Operations and Information Management.
Matching supply with demand is an enormous challenge for firms: excess supply is too costly, inadequate supply irritates customers. In the course, we will explore how firms can better organize their operations so that they more effectively align their supply with the demand for their products and services. Throughout the course, we illustrate mathematical analysis applied to real operational challenges--we seek rigor and relevance. Our aim is to provide both tactical knowledge and high-level insights needed by general managers and management consultants. We will demonstrate that companies can use (and have used) the principles from this course to significantly enhance their competitiveness.
Operations strategy is about organizing people and resources to gain a competitive advantage in the delivery of products (both goods and services) to customers. This course approaches this challenge primarily from two perspectives: 1) how should a firm design their products so that they can be profitably offered; 2) how can a firm best organize and acquire resources to deliver its portfolio of products to customers. To be able to make intelligent decisions regarding these high-level choices, this course also provides a foundation of analytical methods. These methods give students a conceptual framework for understanding the linkage between how a firm manages its supply and how well that supply matches the firm's resulting demand. Specific course topics include designing service systems, managing inventory and product variety, capacity planning, approaches to sourcing and supplier management, constructing global supply chains, managing sustainability initiatives, and revenue management. This course emphasizes both quantitative tools and qualitative frameworks. Neither is more important than the other.
Global Modular Course (GMC) - MBA
Seminar on distribution systems models and theory. Reviews current research in the development and solution of models of distribution systems. Emphasizes multi-echelon inventory control, logistics management, network design, and competitive models.
Independent Study
Just-in-time scheduling is great for employers but exhausting for employees. A new Wharton study offers scheduling alternatives to help firms reduce turnover and retain staff. …Read More
Knowledge at Wharton - 3/28/2023This year’s Penn Wharton Entrepreneurship Startup Challenge, a competition for up-and-coming student startups, concluded on May 2 with the finalists pitching to judges over Zoom. Felicity Johnson, WG’20, founder of pet telehealth platform My Virtual Veterinarian, was awarded the $30,000 Perlman Grand Prize. Felicity recounts how she built the platform…
Wharton Stories - 05/26/2020